about the practice
Arathi Shekhat, Marriage and Family Therapist
Hello, I’m Arathi
My name is Arathi Shekhat, and my practice is located in Jupiter, Florida. I received my Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy in 2008 at the University of Rochester in upstate New York. At the same time my husband, Dr. Raj Shekhat, was getting his education and training to become a psychiatrist. I have worked in many different environments including women’s health clinics, a domestic violence shelter, eating disorders programs, and a residential program for teens and adolescents. What struck me most is how much our relationships, starting from the first ones we have with our primary caregivers to our adult romantic partners shape the story of our lives, and ultimately the satisfaction we feel on a daily basis.
When I started my own family, I took time away from the professional world. During this time away, my days were not only filled with the tasks and milestones of raising and loving three children and a husband, but also a time of loss, pain, learning, healing, and self-growth. Returning to work as a therapist at this time in my life feels more authentic and true even more than it did in my twenties when I chose to go down this path. I believe strongly in the power of human connection, and using therapy as a tool to not only offer connection in the therapy room, but teach others how to take that connection into their daily lives. As I am writing this, my practice is new, but already growing fast which only further validates the power of this approach to change lives. I love this work and feel honored when people feel they can share their struggles with me and allow me to help guide them in the healing process.

Helping people heal, grow and connect with others in a more authentic way feeds my soul. This work is my passion and purpose.
A little self-disclosure
So what does a marriage between a psychiatrist and a therapist look like?

Just like anybody else’s for the most part. We come to the table with the same emotional baggage and beliefs about marriage, and child-rearing that bring conflict and disconnect as any other couple does. Yes, we have the tools and knowledge to communicate and disagree the “right” way, but sometimes that all goes out the window, and we have to do the work to repair the damage. It is in the repair work that we make the best use of our skills. It takes effort, self-awareness, and a good bit of patience.
Sometimes we get lost in the daily grind and forget to make time for connection, and when we find ourselves in that place, we have to pause, and make time for the relationship.
It is not always easy, but we have a shared vision about our life together that helps motivate us.